I've always had a mental model of God saying "I'm here. You can come to me or walk away. And you will do both. You're doing both now. You change; that's inherent to your nature. I'm here. Come towards me. My hand is out."

I have the enviable position where I can simply walk downstairs and discuss these topics with you. Other people would have to write or call.

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You know how grateful I am for your love and emotional support, but I know how important it is to TELL people the good stuff (and sometimes, the bad stuff), so I'm telling you again, here and now. Thank you.

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That’s a great point to ponder - is it a gift or a hoop to jump through- I honestly can’t picture a God who has a book with a bunch of check marks for you didn’t do this or that or the other thing-

There are times I go to mass and find complete solace and peace - but those times are few and far between

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I always imagined the book and the checkmarks. Unfortunately, I passed that on to some of my kids and we're trying to undo the damage.

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